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2024 goals

Happy New Year! Here’s to a 2024 filled with love, happiness and good books to read! I’ve been thinking about resolutions, and how I kind of drastically failed at my goal last year to be more consistent… However, I recognise that this wasn’t entirely my own fault and partly to lots of different reasons, but I still love it as a goal. So with that in mind, I’m going to continue with a renewed focus on the idea of consistency! In my personal life, in managing my health and fitness and in my reading (which was pretty much the one thing I was consistent with last year).

I’ve always loved the New Year and the idea that you can start fresh, reinvent yourself and grow. Though of course you can do this at any time, I love things being truly ‘fresh’ which on reflection is probably why I cannot pause mid-chapter for anything that will take longer than like 5 minutes. I like clear starts and endings, and a change in years provides these perfectly for me! 

So with the idea of consistency in mind again, my main kind of bookish ‘sub-goals’ look a little like this:

  • Read 52 books in 2024 - I loved this as a challenge last year and it’s safe to say that I smashed it by doing just over double. But I know I’m not likely to read as much this year, so one a week feels manageable and interesting enough to me!

  • Keep uploading blog posts - I loved getting back into blogging and want to keep up with it more and expand my blog so that I can grow this community and have a space for writing my musings out - especially about books!

  • Unhaul more books - this one is painful but unfortunately necessary. I have a small flat that doesn’t fit into the vision of a great sprawling library that I have in my mind, so I need to unhaul more books throughout the year if I know I won’t reread it or even just read it in the first place!

  • Read more on audio / ebook - In a similar vein, to combat my physical tbr I need to lean more into audio and ebooks, and even using my local library (though their selection isn’t the best tbh). I’m also thinking about starting a book-buying ban challenge like Lily from LiteraryLily on YouTube - because it sounds like such a good idea and realistic as you can still buy books once you have the points!

  • Be more creative - This encompasses a lot to be honest, but I mean with posting, blogging, my bullet journal, prep for the eras tour (currently making bracelets and a jacket and I still need to make the rest of my outfit) but I found creative things were so beneficial to my mental health this year!

Some of my more personal / non-bookish goals are:

  • Get back into looking after yourself - I don’t feel entirely happy with myself for a lot of different reasons so one thing I really want to do this year is actually look after myself, listening to what my body needs so I can feel better. I want to make sure I’m taking my greens, taking my meds, exercising consistently and looking after my mental health properly and not wallowing on things I can’t change!

  • Be more decisive - this one I think will be very tough but I need to be more decisive. Whether that's from the really simple i.e. what I want to read or eat, grading work at school or to the more serious i.e. if I want to stay in teaching or have a career change.

  • Do more of what you love - This encompasses a lot of what I’ve already mentioned with creativity, but I also want to make sure I’m leaning into communities as well i.e. book clubs, Swifties etc. I really want to shake off the idea that loving things is ‘cringe’ and that you should hide the things that you love - I want to do so openly and proudly!

So, there we have my 2024 goals and I can’t lie, I’m happy with them. I know I’m going to struggle with some of them because I’m not perfect. And there will be days where I don’t have my greens, where I don’t read etc but that’s okay. At the end of the year, I just want to be in a place where I feel I’ve moved forwards - not achieved perfection. What are your goals for 2024? Let me know!


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