I know it has been absolutely everywhere… but it is definitely with good reason. I picked up The Inheritance Games a couple of months ago after seeing Leora from @minddaisies talk about it on her channel and just completely devoured it. Immediately after finishing it I bought the second book and pre-ordered the third, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it. It helps that the covers are just stunning too, the UK paperbacks are really just... not it.
The Inheritance Games is a YA mystery series that follows our main character Avery as she is pronounced as the heir to the astronomical Hawthorne fortune, the only issue… She has never met the man, and his family aren’t exactly happy about being disinherited. She must move into the mansion among them as they all try to uncover the mystery of why it was all left to her… The series is a real Cinderella style rags-to-riches story, mixed with deep rooted family secrets and intrigue.
This series is just packed full of twists and turns, deliciously addictive puzzles and riddles and a desperate search for answers. The writing made it incredibly hard to put down and I think I finished most of the books in one or two sittings because it was just so easy to read! The short chapters only really elevated this because they were ridiculously quick to get through, which I always love.
I think my only real issues with the series were that I didn’t really love the characters, Avery honestly didn’t interest me that much (though I admit she was a strong character) and I found the Hawthornes a bit one dimensional at times and some of the motives from different characters throughout the series I still found myself questioning even after all of the reveals. The characters could seem a bit too stereoypey for me at times, but I did enjoy the plot. Because I didn't love the characters, I didn’t find myself invested in any of the romance plots going on throughout the book, which I know other people absolutely loved. But I found I didn’t care for the love ‘triangle’ at all, which was a shame.
I think my favourite character was probably Xander, even though he sometimes came across as a bit of a ‘manic pixie dream girl’. He was definitely also used as the comedic side character that helps to break the tension, which I enjoyed. I thought Xander’s character was the most interesting as he kept more to himself and was creative, which I loved.

It’s hard to discuss the series without going into spoilerish territory, but without doing so I think Jennifer Lynn Barnes did a great job in coming up with so many puzzles and riddles, they were so well thought through which I really appreciated. It made the book feel quite interactive because you go along with Avery who was a complete novice when it came to Tobias Hawthorne’s games, but as the series progresses you also become better at solving them and I even managed to guess a few of the plot twists and reveals, though not all.
I didn’t love the ending, I liked how everything was fairly neatly tied up, but as I said before I still didn’t really buy all of the motivations throughout the series and I just thought aspects didn’t really make sense. But overall, it didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the series as a whole, I haven’t felt that gripped by a book in a while - especially a YA as I think I’m going slightly off of the age group. But I think that’ll be a blog post for another time.
Overall, I would recommend the series, I think it was a fun read. The books don’t exactly have the most beautiful writing, but they are enjoyable. I think that if you’re in the mood for something that you want to grip you, then pick it up because you can choose how much brain power you want to devote to it, whether you want to come up with theories as you go or just be along for the ride.